Misscouture17: Causes of air bubbles in nail polish & how to prevent it! thought i'd pass this info one - The nail polish is not absorbing air bubbles. The bubbles are not actually air, at all. They are formed when the volatile chemicals in the polish evaporate. That's how nail polish dries. If you apply very thick coats, the
[電影]型男飛行日誌(Up in the Air) @ 艾蜜莉咪咪:: 痞客邦 ... 2011年12月6日 - [電影]型男飛行日誌(Up in the Air). 商旅人士的生活是怎樣一個面貌? 飛來飛去的邊玩邊工作又不花自己的錢,很令人羨慕吧? 企業憑什麼解雇人?